Forget the politics. It takes courage to even attempt to run for President of the United States. You will be attacked from every possible angle, especially if you win. In Kennedy’s case, people actually wanted him dead. It takes strength to be truly be alive!
In this quote, I see a great shift in our culture. Do you? There are many men today that pray that things would be easier. That they could make lots of money from doing little. That no one would challenge them to be bigger, either the women in their life or other men. That their kids would be easy. Or, even that the economy would somehow be easy and money would fall out of the sky again, no matter where it came from or at what cost.
Let us pray for strength again, not ease. Men that are proud of being strong, as well as compassionate and joyful. It’s not about returning to some media stereotype where men were only strong! The Essential Man of the 21st Century comes from his deepest essence and part of that essence is invisibility when serving the highest good. Like men of Kennedy’s age that fought in WWII for the freedom of all people. The generation we call the Great Generation. Men who forgot about their selfish needs and would gladly give their life for mankind to be better.
Pray to be stronger men!