I was reminded of one of my favorite comedy monologues the other day. I know a guy that is out of work for a while and his wife is upside down about it.
Sure, we think we’re modern people. The feminist revolution made everyone “equal” and now it’s great to have our roles reversed. right? Yes, women want to work hard like a slave all day and have their man stay home and take care of the kids. Sex is irrelevant now, right?
Here Chris Rock lays down one of his funniest bits yet. He reveals than men can never go down in sex and women can never go down in lifestyle. Remember, we laugh at the TRUTH. Only the truth is funny. Laughter is often a nervous reaction to discovering human failing. We want to be evolved but the truth is often different.
The point men: If your behavior is endangering her lifestyle, you now know what is going on with her and what to do about it. It’s time to get manly again!
If you have a counter example of a woman that wanted to go down in lifestyle with her man and was happier (and they are still together), post it up here. All rules have exceptions, however rare.
Dont worry about it man, just dont overwork when you meet the chick 🙂